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2. Raković, L., Sakal, M., Matković, P., & Marić, M. (2020). Shadow IT - Systematic Literature Review. Information Technology And Control, 49(1), 144 -160. https://doi.org/10.5755/j01.itc.49.1.23801 Print ISSN 1392-124X, Online ISSN 2335-884X, М23
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4. Rakovic, L., Sakal, M., Matkovic, P., & Pavlicevic, V. (2020). A survey of factors influencing spreadsheet risk awareness. Environmental Engineering and Management Jounal, 19(5), 761 -772. Print ISSN 1582-9596, eISSN 1843-3707, М23
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6. Raković, L., Sakal, M., & Vuković, V. (2019). Improvement of Spreadsheet Quality through Reduction of End-User Overconfidence: Case Study. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 27(2), 119 -130. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPso.12392 Online ISSN 1587-3803, Print ISSN 1416-3837, М24
7. Matkovic, P., Maric, M., Tumbas, P., & Sakal, M. (2018). Traditionalisation of agile processes: Architectural aspects. Computer Science and Information Systems, 15(1), 79–109. https://doi.org/10.2298/CSIS160820038M, ISSN: 1820-0214, М23
8. Pantelić, D., Sakal, M., & Raković, L. (2016). Pharmaceutical Industry's Web 2.0 Initiatives in The New Communication Landscape. Ekonomika preduzeća (Serbian Association of Economists, Journal of Business Economics and Management), 3-4 (2016), 289-300. ISSN 0353-443X, М24
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